toasted bottom beetroot bun

10g carolina mustard bbq sauce

20g sliced tomato

15g of slice red onion

1 x crispy tindle burger

15g carolina mustard bbq sauce

15g spring onions

toasted top beetroot bun


1 portion of Soya Milk & Apple Cider Vinegar Marinade

100g GF Self Raising Flour

5g Bicarbonate of Soda

2 x 50g fillets of Tindle

Combine the Tindle fillets and mould together in your hands into a chicken thigh shape. Once moulded place into the soya milk mix, allow to soak then into the flour and bicarb mix. Make sure Tindle is well coated, then repeat that process again. Cook the coated fillet in the fryer until it has become golden in cover, have a nice crunch and core temp of 75c is met.



toasted Vegan bottom bun

½ oz. Carolina mustard BBQ sauce

1 sliced heirloom tomato

4 sliced red onion rings

1 crispy TiNDLE patty

½ oz. Carolina mustard BBQ sauce

1 TBL green onions

toasted Vegan top bun


Equal parts Soymilk & Apple Cider Vinegar Marinade

3.5 oz. Gluten Free Flour

¼ oz. Baking Soda

Mold TiNDLE patty together in your hands into a chicken thigh shape.

Once molded place into the soymilk mix, allow to soak then into the flour and baking soda mix.

Make sure TiNDLE is well coated, then repeat that process again.

Cook the coated fillet in the fryer until it has become golden in cover, have a nice crunch and core temp of 165 F is met.